GSG Video Focuses On Printing With Plastisols

Published: April 14, 2015

A free online video from GSG, Dallas, explores the basics of using plastisol inks for textile screen printing.

In this taped session, shown above, screen printing veteran, GSG instructor and screen territory manager Chuck Maulsby reviews the properties and printing characteristics of this apparel-decorating staple.

Topics range from increasing ink printability and ensuring a proper cure, to degreasing and reclaiming screens. Viewers also learn about options for measuring and achieving plastisol curing temperatures and creating a softer hand, as well as special considerations for white inks.

Common printing and curing issues and their causes are discussed, as well as mistakes to avoid. The seminar also looks at shop and equipment variables that can impact plastisol printing results, and presents tips, tools, and techniques for faster and easier plastisol printing.

For more information, visit — L.M. 

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