HanesBrands Celebrates First Company-Owned Solar Power Project

Published: October 3, 2022

HanesBrands (HBI), Winston-Salem, N.C., has made a large direct investment in company-owned solar energy equipment at its sewing facility in Surin, Thailand.

HBI’s Surin plant began operating on 50% renewable solar power in September.

Kamalraj Ramadoss, plant manager, was inspired by HBI’s 2030 Sustainability Goals and a renewable energy incentive offered by the Thai government to help facilitate this project. The government incentive means the Surin solar panels will pay for themselves in less than three years, helping HanesBrands decrease dependency on fossil fuels and reduce our environmental impact, according to the company.

“Our associates are incredibly proud to work in a facility powered by clean energy,” says Kamalraj. “We are happy to pioneer these efforts to save resources for the planet and our company.”

The project included more than 3,300 panels covering the roof of the main sewing facility and adjacent warehouse and was completed in two phases. The installation will save HBI approximately $340,000 annually.

HBI also will be pursuing solar and renewable energy investments around the globe, including upcoming projects in Honduras and the Dominican Republic. — D.S.

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