M&R, Glen Ellyn, Ill., recently announced the final results for the two-day “Finish First with Kruzer!” competition, held Jan. 16-18 at the 2015 Imprinted Sportswear Shows (ISS) in Long Beach.
Eight randomly selected teams of two (four teams per day) competed on Friday and Saturday of the event, with each day’s winner taking home a brand new Kruzer manual screen-printing press.
The winners of Friday’s competition were Victor Delgadillo and Jose Maldonado of American Printworks, Los Angeles. Saturday’s winners were Luan Dinh Le and Gil Tibayan of X-Press Tees, Honolulu. Delgadillo and Maldonado assembled their Kruzer in 46:32, while Dinh Le and Tibayan posted a time of 36:28.
“We thought the 2015 Imprinted Sportswear Show in Long Beach was a great venue to show off that ease of assembly through the ‘Finish First with Kruzer!’ competition,” said Rich Hoffman, CEO of M&R. “Team members were given the opportunity to watch our Kruzer assembly video and browse the manual before assembling the press. The video covers every aspect of the process, so we fully expected fast assembly times. Even so, we were all amazed that two people new to the Kruzer could assemble one in just over half an hour. It speaks both to the design of the press and the speed and talent of Luan and Gil of X-Press Tees.”
The Kruzer press includes tapered roller bearing-supported upper and lower carousels, a precise micro-registration system, machined center shaft and three-point pallet-leveling system. Kruzer’s unique lever-adjusted off-contact system operates vertically, eliminating the need for a separate angle adjustment. Kruzer is available in a six-color/four-station model, and it’s designed to fit through a 31-inch doorway when disassembled. Side-screen holders and solid aluminum, low-profile, rubber-coated pallets are standard.
A highlight video of the competition is available at mrprint.com/kruzerlongbeach and the Kruzer assembly video can be viewed at mrprint.com/kruzerassembly.
For more information, visit mrprint.com/kruzer. — L.M.