Powerhouse 2608 Quartz Conveyor Dryer

The Workhorse Powerhouse 2608 quartz conveyor dryer offers a 26-inch-wide belt designed for maximum production, and features Flash Phase, which speeds production by raising garment and ink temperatures quickly in the first heat zone. The other heat zone is controlled by a digital temperature controller. The dryer’s medium-wave IR elements transmit heat more quickly than conventional ceramic panels, and turbo air knives turn IR heat into gentle convection for curing bulky items such as fleece and jackets, according to the company. The dryer also features heated air recovery, adjustable oven doors, a removable oven hood and a four-point belt tracking for easy dryer set up and extended belt life. The 2608 dimensions are 96″ x 48″ x 32″ and it can dry 200-300 garments per hour.

Posted in: Screen Printing

Published: November 28, 2018
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