Editorial: Decorated-Apparel and the Holidays

Published: September 12, 2024

Photo by mtrlin – stock.adobe.com

Time was the holiday season officially kicked off in the Cort household with the arrival of the Sears Christmas catalogue, usually around the start of the schoolyear. (Yes, I know that dates me terribly.) Christmas itself felt as if it was ages away, if for no other reason than there were all sorts of other holidays to get through first.

Fast forward a few decades and for many of us who have succeeded in putting away childish things, life couldn’t be more different. For those whose job it is to actually make the holidays happen—like apparel decorators—a truly happy (and profitable!) holiday season begins long before my younger self would have been taking that first peak at the Sears catalogue toy section. Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Kwanza, New Years: no matter the holiday, planning ahead is essential. Someone, for example, had to create and ship all those catalogues my siblings and I spent so many happy hours fighting over!

It is with this kind of forethought in mind that we at Impressions have been busily assigning, formatting, editing and proofing a pair of feature stories for those decorators looking to make the most of the upcoming holiday season while much of the rest of the world is still at the beach (click here for our story on designing and here for our article on heat-press decorating for the holidays).

Of course, we’re not alone in our efforts. I’m guessing more than a few of you out there have been getting your holiday ducks in a row for some time now as well. If not, no worries. There’s no time like the present to get started making the most of the upcoming holiday season, no matter what kind of apparel decorating you may specialize in. For another couple of holiday-themed articles from years past on designing with photo shop and super-sizing your holiday sales, click here and here.

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